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Funding innovation assistant

Stenon GmbH employs an innovation assistant (“Innovationsassistent”) as part of the guideline “Brandenburger Innovationsfachkräfte (2019-2022)”. The innovation assistant’s task is to solve new calculation problems using innovative machine learning processes in order to develop future products.

The innovation assistant is funded by the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Energy with funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the State of Brandenburg. The funding program supports the employment of highly qualified young people in small and medium-sized enterprises in Brandenburg and promotes, among other things, securing skilled workers.

The ESF is Europe’s main tool for promoting employment. This supports companies and employees in qualifying and securing skilled workers. The ESF promotes equal opportunities and access to employment. In the state of Brandenburg, the ESF funding programs aim to improve employment opportunities and promote education, securing skilled workers and integration into work.

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